Big Bang Cosmology
  H   H  
Big Bang Cosmology  
The Nature of Science
      We are all natural phiolsophers. . .scientists. Don't relinguish your participation to the 'experts'. Tony
Science is the method of
observing patterns in nature.
From these patterns people learned to make predictions that gave them some 'control' over their surroundings. Hewitt
Science is an organized body of knowledge about nature. It is the product of observations, common sense, rational thinking and (sometimes) brilliant insights. Science stems from individuals' discoveries as well as from group efforts. It has been built up over thousands of years and gathered from all parts of the world. Hewitt
Six Evil Geniuses
Critical Thinking Through Writing
      Science             Religion


      Scientific Theory
can be modified.

Faith and Belief
are Dogma.
      Both are important domains of human experience
The Hollow Earth Society
The Science of Superstitions
Weird Science
Science is different from religion in many respects. Scientists look at nature with an open mind. As open as we can make our minds. Religion sees nature as a constant phenomena.
No, many religions and spiritual people have the same notion about the beginning of the world. For instance, the garden of eden and the parable about the tree of knowledge and God's insistence that Adam and Eve not seek out the fruit from this tree. Yet, Eve wanted to know more. So, human curiosity being what it is, she caused the world to begin. Since this time the universe has been evolving and humans have come into being and now we are seeking what caused this to happen!
To support one human being for a year requires some 300 trout, which, in turn, must consume 90,000 frogs. These frogs, yet in turn, devour 27 million grasshoppers, which live off some 1000 tons of grass. Thus, for a single human to remain "ordered" (namely, to remain alive) over the course of a single year, we need the energy equivalent of tens of millions of grasshoppers or about a million kilograms of grass.

From primordial nothingness to this very moment, A Short History of Nearly Everything reports what happened and how humans figured it out. To accomplish this daunting literary task, Bill Bryson uses hundreds of sources, from popular science books to interviews with luminaries in various fields. His aim is to help people like him, who rejected stale school textbooks and dry explanations, to appreciate how we have used science to understand the smallest particles and the unimaginably vast expanses of space. With his distinctive prose style and wit, Bryson succeeds admirably.

 [1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7,]
Tony's Black Hole Hypothesis

Cosmological Structure Formation in Cosmic Voyage
From the Big Bang to the
End of the Universe
The Mysteries of Deep Space Timeline
Big Bang


A Temperature Map of the Universe

      Very Large Array
Hydrogen map of the Galaxy
Radio Jupiter
Radio Venus
Water on Mercury
Radio Milky Way
      Big Bang I,II,III,IV
      The Fate of the Universe
a poem by Leslie C. McKinney, Ph.D
  But the universe is here now
At least part of it, I guess,
How is it you can't find the dark matter
To account for the missing mass?
And what is this dark energy
Permeating like a fog?
Einstein was shamed by his fudge factor
But you've brought it back in vogue.
The news from Canada is distressing
There are too few neutrinos from the sun
But physicists aren't constrained by facts
They'll make three neutrinos from one.
So the Standard Model is in danger
It's time for a paradigm shift,
Well paradigm shift, shmaradigm pfffft,
Will you guys please get over it.
Any idea how the story will end?
Big crunch, cold death, lost souls?
Or a slipper slide to a new universe
Through a slimy little worm hole?
Which confirms my general suspicion
That reality is just theory for this bunch
Waves are particles, particles are strings,
And the universe is the ultimate free lunch.

        You physicists have become annoying
You can't seem to make up your minds
Did everything come from nothing
Or was nothing all there was to find?
What was that first singularity
And what made it start to inflate?
You say a vacuum is not really empty
As long as energy potentiates?
At time zero there was zero space
But fluctuation took care of that
Now there's space of an ill-defined shape
That's full of live/dead cats.
Continuing on you tell us
That we're here cause CP ain't conserved
I never thought of myself as a leftover
This is becoming absurd.